Saturday, November 04, 2006

Call to Arms

Anybody and everybody who has every slightly like Pure brutal METAL should join Tom, Shipley and Johnny Mac and Anika to see the most talented Metal band that Australia has ever produced, straight out of Byron Bay which is a wierd place for a metal band to come from it's PARKWAY DRIVE!!!
It's on at this cool new venue called the forum which is near the Horden on the 11th of nov so next saturday night, tickets only $20 so let us know if u wanna come and i'll grab one for you, I understand that Metal is definately a caviar and there's a lot of haters out there but you gotta see these f*ckers coz of their talent for what they do...... and hopefully bash some emo'z, tom..


Anonymous said...

Anyone who wants to come is welcome to stay at my brand new haunted mansion in lane cove mwahahaha

Anonymous said...

I'll eat your soul if u dare enter..

Anonymous said...

Real Scared Tom!

... Mommy...