Monday, April 16, 2007

The US of A

Salmon Crew checking in....
Its Captain Grug, Sir Wilson and Grand Master Mince here, only 3 days into our trip and its fucking insane already! We are stayin at venice beach california, first night here we hit up Hooters in Santa Monica, heaps of beer heaps of chicken and heaps of hooters!!! that place rocks!
Second night went rockin the suburbs in a mack daddy stretch Bentley, we cruised hollywood, sunset strip, Rodeo Drive and we all got fucked up in the limo, it was mad. Dont have any pics to upload yet but we are workin on it! we have to get blotto....catch ya.

Oh and did I mention Grug Just won $7000..... Fuck yeahhhhhh..... Lets Get Mewy


Chandrika said...

YAY grug you won the tipping comp,
thats fucken awesome..And we beat Sri Lanka last night in cricket.
Sounds like your having a fucken awesome time..JEALOUS and missing ya.
Remember my Peter styvesant t-shirt.
And Jess i love ya.

Anonymous said...

Good you guys landed safely!!.... Looks like the fun hasnt stopped, Booze, Gambling, and more booze! i know u will keep us posted on your travels...and stay safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unbeleivable $7000 is that aussie dollars????

Anonymous said...

hey guys its the second last day in mexico. This has been the highlight for me so far. We have been getting absolutly shattered, but everythings on camera so there wont be any forgoten memories.

its been about 36 degrese everyday, the food is awsome the night life is awsome, it reminds me of indo or thailand but cleaner.

There are alot of con-artists here though, i got ripped off trying to buy chicken nuggets from our hotel. I said "can i have $20 american, worth of nuggets" and they gave me like 6.50. (they were for everyone) i hadnt been to that place before so i was thinkin rip off!, i took the stuff back to the room and everyone told me to go back and get more or change. So i went back, and the fuckers just gave me about 5 more chips. I was like fuck this. I took it back to the room and everyone was like "wilson u got ripped off again, they do it on purpose" so at this point i was like, "i fuckin couldnt be bothered" and ando said "ill come with you"

we got back there for the 3rd time, and ando said " this is not $20 worth of nuggets, we want 3 x this amount, we actually held up a nugget, pointed to it and said "more of these....." we ended up getting like 2 more nuggets, me and ando walked off in sadness, and were both push overs so it was pretty easy to rip us off.

Got back to the room and Tom Said "fuck that im callin the manager" and 5 mins later they came up with 3 times the amount and change.

newyork in 2 days! yay, its actually pretty cocked out here but aussies are like gods so its not too hard to find a kiss. I have some funny stories for the boys when i get back.

luv wilson