Monday, June 13, 2005

Newcastle Excursion

This is the story of 3 little salmon who had a big night out in newcastle. With a few drinks in us already we found ourselves at gosi train station finding out that ALL trains were out we jumped onto a bus going to wyong after nearly punching some little gosi weiners head in. We arrived at wyong and wizles mate perry came and picked us up for a few more drinks back at his before going to the city, got a bit more pissed there and taxi'd it back to the station then on another fucking bus for 2 HOURS!! had to piss somethin fierce the bus was pretty fun though. finally arrived at newy and went straight into fannys (not a fanny bar lol) and got stamped then walked up to the great northern hotel, heaps of ppl on the street. Got a wicked posi at the northern and started sinkin piss among other shit and started getting seriously fucked. we met up with some ppl and got a mad crew together before heading back to fannys, on the way though it seemed like wilson was compelled to talk to every person he passed on the street and traygo was showing up this bum of a busker so it took about 45 mins on a 15 min walk. Got straight into fannys and it was packed..................with dudes eeeeeewwwwwww. Nah wasnt that bad but it was defo's about 70/30 and all the dudes were crazy leb lookin cunts like they were looking for an excuse to bash someone lol. All totally wasted by then and our brains were atomically bombed (hehe) and we ripped up the floor, walked around aimlessly and talked shit till 5 in the morning wen we all left except wiz who went back to the local youthy and slayed some bi-sexual cougar chick out the window and in a room with 10 other sleeping back-packers, NICE ONE WIZ!! so me, t-bone and the rest of the boys leged it back to the train station for another painful 2 hour bus ride to wyong then back to gosi but apart from the extra travel time it was an AWESOME night and we'll be going up there again very soon.

Also thanks to all the boys that partied hard with us,
Traygo, Wilson, Perry, Porey, Streets, Ray, Beny, Brady, also thanks to Ben Hand for randomly showing up on our bus and that hotty that wizle knows from the medical centre and any other random retard we met....

$$ Tom $$


Anonymous said...

Newcastle hey... sounds like a bit of fun. Might have to make the trip with you boys next time. Although I guess the challenge is now on for wizzle... It has to be two bi-sexual girls @ the same time. Now thats ENTERTAINMENT!!!

Keep the posts coming Mince Meat

Anonymous said...

Yea i think there is plans for a second excursion in about 3 weeks..

Anonymous said...

I tried go get everyone to come up to Byron Bay more often with no luck. Looks like you'll have to worship saten alone for now. Out