Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We've been shortlisted!!!

Lil' Toni
Originally uploaded by candy snap.
Wilson - Grug - Ando - Johny - Pricey - Prousty(s) -


We have been shortlisted for the Galliano Dare competition!

Our dare is to have a night out in the city with Glad wrap as our clothing - I have been informed that the conditions are that we will be on the beach instead with a small dj stage - but its a family event so it will just be small (ish) - I am fucking keen as to win this prize - We need to reply with names and shit by TONIGHT!

Spread the word and get back to me - 04114 307 91

The Price - Ultimate boys weekend to Melbourne worth over 7 grand!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The event will be held during the day... on the beach (most likely Bondi or Manly).

We will have to be wearing the shit for around 1 hour - I'm guessing just dancing through the crowed and shit.

The lady has changed it to a Max of around 15-20 so we should be able to easily do this.

The deadline for confirmation is tomorrow now too, so you should have time to read this and contact me ASAP!

Lube is the organiser of this so contact him.