Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bowl of Salmon

hey everyone, firstly before i get started on how neglected this site has become, i admit i havent been on the "salmon site" for a few weeks. I dont give a shit if your doing fuck all, i want to hear the stories about people picking there arses and bludging at work.
It should of been brought to our attentsion that this site, (no thanks to myspace and face book) has become less used than abused. Personally i would rather put something up here to tell the salmon than individually adressing everyone via facebook.

Dont get me started on facebook, whoops too late.....ok its fuckin a million times better than myspace so it must be 10 million times better than this site??

I dont want every random fucker reading shit i send to my friends, facebook does this. Facebook was great because of the amount of things you coule do, information recieved and its versitility. To tell you the truth everything about it has lost its special touch, i mean i used to get excited to check my myspace now im bombarded by so much junk it takes me an hour to sift through all the shit to find something half decent.

anyways my point is, lets get on the site a bit more so the salmon dont die.
salmon captain- rw

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